
Jack Davis, Boston

They told me many accurate things about my past and my father. It was simply impressive. I realized I had blind bias against the mysteries of the universe. The wonderful thing about Samyak Astrology team is they are of a genuine tradition. No silly new age stuff, no annoying borrowings from science. They are their own tradition. Mr. Radhakrishan told me he comes from the lineage of sage Dhananjaya.


Joseph, Brazil

Oh, these beautiful people, Mr. Radhakrishna and Suyog. I asked Mr. Radhakrishna to pray for the health of mother. She was very ill for a long time. She recovers in a few weeks. She tells me she sees a vision of a temple in Nepal where she was healed by the angels. Her love of God brought us to meet these souls.


Melissa, New York

Do yourself a favor and get a reading from Samyak Astrology. In fact, get a zoom session once you listen to the recordings. Any question, seriously, any question you have, don’t hesitate to ask. Mr. Radhakrishna told me the complexion of my ex-husband and the work he did, it’s freaking mindblowing.


Jonas, Berlin

I approached the Samyak team with two employment options I had applied for. I was very optimistic about one, whereas I was unsure about the other. They told me that the job I was optimistic about was going to disappoint me. On the other hand, I was going to be accepted for the other job. I was pretty sure they got this one wrong. But to my surprise, few weeks later, the first company said I was overqualified for the job and rejected me. Whereas the latter were really impressed with my cover essay and decided to hire me even though some of my qualifications were lower than the other applicants. Karma!


Mikhael, Moscow

I recently got a reading from Samyak Astrology Services to primarily inquire about my career difficulties. I was not getting promoted although I had worked hard in this company for several years. I was told that things would open for me if I were to do these strange remedies that I honestly can find no logical relationship on how they work. For example, one remedy involved donating some portion of my earnings to blind people every week. Since the team at Samyak had gained my trust because of the accurate readings of my past, I faithfully followed the remedies, and walla I started feeling very optimistic every time I donated to a local blind organization. And in a couple months, my boss unexpectedly decided to promote me. Thank you guys!


Kristen DuMont, California

What a great team at Samyak Astrology! I was completely impressed by Mr. Radhakrishna’s genuis insights. He told me exactly what was the problem in my past marriage. He told me the feelings I felt during that tough time. I also learnt the mistakes I made. And how wonderful were the translations and mediation of Suyog, without whose skillful communication, I would have not known how to get the best of Mr. Radhakrishna. I would recommend anyone with relationship issue to consult Samyak Astrology Services.


Max Khatri, Kathmandu

Radha Krishna has been quite helpful to me through his astrological guidance. First, he comes from a special lineage both in terms of his family and in terms of his spiritual practices. Likewise, regardless of his extraordinary genius and unexplainable intuitive prowess, he is a very humble person. He is also always sincere, and he has never tried to manipulate me or others in my encounters and observations. I consider astrology to be a map or a tool that one should not indulge in, but that one should use once in a while. I have used it that way, and I have found that Radha Krishna doesn’t promote a culture of dependency on him. Instead he is concerned with making you independent by empowering you with knowledge of exact problems and simple tools. Among many personal insights that he has given me, one unique thing he told me was that he figured out I had an uncle who had passed away in unfortunate circumstances many years back when I was not even born. I hadn’t even mentioned about him, nor was there any chance that anyone else could inform Radha Krishna about him. Radha Krishna just happened to tell this when he was looking at my child’s chart. Accordingly, he prescribed certain rituals to take care of my uncle, who needed help since he was still suffering after all these years of having passed away and was affecting me in subtle ways. Hence, I recommend people use his newly launched Samyak Astrology’s services as a tool and a map.


Roslyn Palikhe, Kathmandu

To be honest, I initially didn’t believe in astrology and was hesitant to visit Radhakrishna Upadhyaya. But to my surprise, he pointed out many accurate things ane events of my life. He also provided logical suggestions to help improve in various areas. He was absolutely unlike any other astrologers. Not just the predictions he made were accurate, but he even provided right solutions to my problems. I have been consulting with him for the past three years and will definitely be in touch in the future for his reading and guidance. And if you are seeking help and looking for growth in personal and professional life, I highly recommend you to visit his new enterprise Samyak Astrology Services.


Cindy Ritter, Kentucky, USA

My session with Radhakrishna-ji was very insightful. He gave me some useful information regarding my Dharma practice, my career and how to make the best offerings to Gurus. I would highly recommended consulting him to gain insights into many areas of one’s life.


Madhusudan Khatri, Kathmandu

I have consulted with Pandit Radhakrishna many times and I have also recommended my friends and family. I and all those who I have recommended are fully satisfied with his readings. He is able to tell a lot of things about us just based on birth chart. He also helps resolve problems around career, marriage, and so on. If you are also interested in consulting with an astrologer, please contact him. I guarantee that your problems will also be resolved.