
Here are a few choices of readings that are offered. If you are traveling in Nepal and want us to meet in person, please let us know since we offer consultations in-person too.

Please note that for audio/video chat, there are additional charges as specified in each section. If we offer remedies such as rituals to be performed in Nepal, there are additional fees; this, of course, would be your choice.

Please note that for voice/video chat, we consult from Nepal, so we follow the Nepal Time Zone (GMT + 5:45).

After you make the payment, you will be redirected to a page where you can fill in your birth details and also write down specific questions/comments.

Check out the Testimonials too!


The Excellence

A traditional Vedic astrologer gives you a reading of all relevant fields. Unless we have a particular situation or a specific area that is bothering us the most, information regarding all areas is helpful.

Likewise, different areas of our life such as health, finance, relationships, spiritual practice, etc. are all inter-related, and it is difficult to separate them. Thus, we offer The Excellence reading which constitutes readings on all fields- health, work, finances, relationships, spirituality, psychology, and so on.

We offer Zoom consultations as well as in person consultation. Once you pay, you will proceed to a page via which you can send us details for scheduling a session.


1 hour 15 mins Zoom Reading –

Scaled prices for same duration and quality: USD 180, 150, 135, 120 and 100. 

Note that the scales are there so that people from various financial background can access the service. It’s a matter of trust on our part that you will choose what you are able to afford. If you the capacity for higher scales, please do so since that will allow us to provide quality to service to others as well. Do not hesitate to go for lower scales if need be! And if you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us.
Please use the first button for the standard price that is 180 USD. Please use the lower one for lower scales and choose the one that works for you.

If you are going for the lowest scale (100 USD), it’s not possible to directly pay through your card. We have to bear significant taxes and fees which affects our service. Please contact to find simple ways such as PayPal, Venmo via which you could book 100 dollar reading.

Standard: 180 USD


Scaled: 150 USD


Scaled: 135 USD


Scaled: 120 USD




Muhurta (Timing favorable dates)

Muhurta deals with choosing auspicious time to do certain things. For example, choosing the date of travel, date of marriage, date of opening business, etc.

