List of Questions


You might have come to meet Pandit ji for a specific problem and may have been benefitted, but you may still have a limited knowledge of what kind of questions Pandit ji can answer based on the chart. Please refer to these questions to get an idea of the breadth of possibilities. Many of these are actual questions that people have asked us over the years.

You can also recommend other people who are struggling with the questions listed below to contact us at Samyak Astrology for a session with Pandit ji.

I will continue to expand this list at . Please refer to this link for more updated list of questions.


            What kind of health problems will I potentially face?

            What kind of treatment modality is generally good for me?

            Which deity should I worship to for pacifying my health obstacles?

            Should I opt for treatment from Dr. X or Dr. Y?

            Should I go to Thailand for (…) surgery?

            Is it a good idea to get knee surgery next month?

            What are the astrological remedies that will support my healing process?

            My granddaughter has severe skin allergies. What can I do for her?


What are some of the career options that are suitable for me?

             Should I continue to do art for career?

             Shall I study computer graphics next year?

             Shall I continue to study Tibetan arts or spend more time on Tibetan language instead?

            Which country should I reside in to improve my career?

            Will connecting with a person ….support my work goals?

            Should I follow the advice given by my supervisor?

            My office might layoff staffs in August. How can I retain my position?


            Is it good for me to have a business partner?

            How many business partners shall I have?

            I have two female business partners. Is that a good match for me?

            What areas should I do business in?

            Shall I build apps for my business?

            Currently, we own a restaurant. Is it good for us to hire a manager to take care of the restaurant or should we ourselves manage it?

            I am thinking of starting a men’s fashion business. Is it a good idea?

            I am networking with some people to start a Thangka business. We plan to bring the best of Thangkas overseas. Should I focus on building a ecommerce store?

            What ritual shall I do to make my business successful in the year 2022?

            Shall I invest in the resort project that I have an idea for?

            At this stage, should I focus on digital marketing or viral marketing?

            Should my business’ HR manager be a man or a woman?

            Which months are good for my healthcare business this year?


            Which year will my finances be better?

            I have been really stressed this past few months because of limited income. What can I do to resolve it?

            Do you think I will receive inheritance from my parents?

            Is investing in stock market favorable for me?

            Should I invest in real estate or crypto market?

            What kind of stocks should I invest in?

            Shall I purchase Luna crypto currency?  

            What ritual can I do to improve my finances?

            What are the karmic reasons behind me not having regular income? What should I do to ensure stability in income?

Legal Cases

                        Will I win this case?

                        A person I know has not returned back 100k USD I lent him last year. Should I file a case against him?

                        What date is a good time to lodge a legal complaint against this company?

                        Today I have to go to the court. What color clothe should I wear? Or what special things I should do to get an upper hand in today’s hearing?

                        Should I get into a legal battle against my step-siblings?

                        Which lawyer should I work with?

                        Is Mr.X better for me or Mr.Y as a lawyer?


                        When will I be married?

                        Which of these persons I am currently dating should I focus on?

                        I am not interested in this person anymore. What should I do?

                        I have been dating a man for the past few months. Is there a long term relationship prospect with him?        

                        My wife and I have been getting into fights. Do you have any advice?

                        What kind of partner should I be looking for?

                        Which ethnicity is better for me as a partner?

                        I am interested in Asian women. Will I be able to find someone in Taiwan who I can marry?

                        Will marriage support my spiritual practice or should I rather remain single?

Friends and Family

I sometimes speak very harshly. How can I resolve this?

                        Should I continue to be friends with this person?

                        I have not spoken with one of my friends in the past two years. Should I invite him to my birthday party?

                        I don’t have the greatest relationship with my mother. What should I do?

                        I have harbored a big grudge against the people in my workplace. What should I do?

                        This man who I used to date hates me and is causing problems even in my workplace. What can I do to resolve it?

                        My father is not doing great in terms of finances. Is there something I can do to help him?

                        My relationship with my sister has been damaged over the past three years. How can I make it better?

                        Should I actively try to resolve my relationship with my family?

                        My family members do not support my spiritual practice. What should I do?

Spirit Issues

                        I have been getting vision of a strange being continuously for the last four years. What can I do?

                        I get nightmares every night. What is going on?

                        My house seems to have a very negative vibe. What kind of spirit is living here?

                        Nagas seem to be very unhappy with my family. How can I make them happy?

                        My grandfather passed away unexpectedly and I can sense that he is with me even now. It makes things difficult for me. What kind I do?

                        How can I help liberate my dead grandmom?

Spiritual Practice

                        What kind of meditation should I do?

                        Which spiritual tradition is beneficial for me?

                        I have interest in both Vedanta and Hindu Tantra. Which is a better path for me?

                        I am drawn to both Vajrayana and Hindu Tantra. Which is better for me?

                        I have many teachers but I have difficulty choosing one as primary. Which teacher do I have the strongest karmic connection with?

                        What kind of spiritual practices are better for me?

                        Which deity should I worship more regularly?

Psychology and Character

                        I feel depressed generally. What should I do?

                        I have difficulty sleeping. What kind of astrological remedy should I do to support my healing?          

                        What are the biggest weaknesses in my character?

                        What are the karmic reasons behind me experiencing constant panic attacks and what can I do to resolve it?

                        I am seeing this therapist for the past year. Should I continue or try to find a new therapist?

                        What are my biggest strengths as a person? And what should I do to enhance them further?

Relocation and Travel

                        Which country should I live in?        

                        Should I live near a mountain?

                        Should I live in a city or in a village?

                        When should I relocate to New York?

                        We are moving to New York in October. Do you think that’s a good idea?

                        Should I live in Nepal for the next five years?

                        I am considering traveling to Europe in September with my family. How is that?

                        I and my husband’s parents live in Europe. Should we move there instead?

                        I live in Arizona. I don’t like the scene here. Is Los Angeles better for me?

                        We want to go on a pilgrimage in 2024. What months are good for that?  

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