On Nāgas


What are Nagas?

Nagas are one kind of non-human being who cannot be seen with our ordinary eyes. They live in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, and so on, but we don’t have the capacity to see their abode. These water bodies are portals to their homes.

Are Nagas snakes?

No, Nagas are not snakes, but some Nagas have the capacity to take the form of snakes. Some can even take the form of humans.

Are all Nagas worthy of association?

There are various kinds of Nagas. The black Nagas can be happy when we make offerings to them, but they are also easily irritable. So it is better to avoid them. The white Nagas are supposed to be pleasant-natured and have calmer moods. It helps to make regular offerings to them.

Are Nagas devas?

Some scriptures categorize Nagas as gods, whereas others categorize them as animals. Nonetheless, they have special abilities that make them more powerful in unique ways than human beings. For example, they have power over rainfall. Likewise, Naga realms are supposed to be replete with jewelry and different kinds of ornaments. And they can bestow wealth when pleased.

What are the practical implications of association with Nagas?

Since Nagas can bestow wealth and can cause obstruction to wealth, it is important to figure out whether or not one has a good relationship with them or not. This can be done either via guidance from a capable spiritual teacher or an astrologer or through one’s own conscience.

Likewise, Nagas have power over the water element. It is important to pacify Nagas if a community wants appropriate rainfall in their region.

In terms of health, Nagas can cause skin disorders, leprosy, eye problems, and cancer. These specific water-related health issues are generally signs of Naga problems. One needs to check with an expert to figure out if your issues have anything to do with Nagas.

Note that when it comes to the practical problems concerning health, wealth, or rainfall, a big issue I see among those who believe in non-humans like Nagas is that they attribute these problems 100% to Nagas. This is also not the right approach. Whereas, in some cases, it may be that your health issue is specifically related only to Naga provocation, but it’s not necessarily. I think it’s always necessary to have a balanced approach.

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