Is it pre-destiny?


I received the question in the screenshot above from a person who received our astrological service recently.

This question is a little more complex than the simple pre-determination and free will conundrum. (To understand how astrology resolves the conundrum, you can get some insights on this page.)

Some karmic forces are very strong. By karmic forces, I mean the karma that one has accumulated over different lifetimes. Strong karmas are bound to ripen at a certain time. You can call this destiny if you like.

But what is at stake, I think, is whether or not we have the capacity to make changes to our ‘destiny’. Many people who believe in and follow astrology do so with a very disempowered attitude. They do not believe in their ability to manifest changes and attribute their experiences, especially negative ones, to planets.

While embracing an empowering attitude does mean moving away from this kind of ‘disempowered’ mentality, it also means recognizing the reality that most of us may be just beginning to recognize and develop insight into the law of karma and therefore have not really resolved serious pre-destined knots. Thus, until we can undo these knots, we try to understand to our best the karmic possibilities of a time frame and utilize it for bringing out positive outcomes as well as for planting positive seeds.

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