What is astrology?

Astrology is a system of examining the implications of positions of starts (astrological planets, nakshatras, etc.) on persons, societies, and the world at large. The most common application of astrology is natal chart astrology, which is the science of accessing insights about a person based on the positions of stars at the time of his birth.

How is astrology and karma related?

To make matters simple, let’s confine to birth chart astrology here. The karma of a person is reflected in the positions of the stars at the time of his/her birth. In other words, the chart reflects the person’s karma. A proper study of the chart is, therefore, a proper study of his/her karma.

What is Vedic astrology?

Vedic astrology is a system of astrology as practiced in the Indian sub-continent –India, Nepal, etc. It is primarily based on a few primary astrological texts such as Brihat Parāśara Horā Śāstra, Brihat Jātaka, and Phaladīpikā.

Is there a consistent system of Vedic astrology?

Most Vedic astrologers do not engage in a consistent, systematic study of the astrological texts; neither do they practice consistent, systematic study of the charts. Many Vedic astrologers even hold contradictory views with regards to astrological principles. Nonetheless, we believe there are some standard features that characterize the practice of Vedic astrologers:

-shared basic knowledge of planets (graha), signs (rāśī), and houses (bhava)

– use of snapshot techniques

-extensive reliance on intuition and spirit mediums

– almost zero use of modern psychology (As opposed to Western astrology)

-familiarity with rituals, temples, relevant, pujas, etc.

How is Vedic astrology different from Western astrology? What are its advantages vis-a-vis Western astrology?

Vedic astrology is very different from Western astrology at all levels. Western astrology has a very modernistic perception of planets whereas, in Vedic astrology, planets are seen as living gods with unique bodily attributes, legends, and psychological make-up. Likewise, for different historical reasons, Western astrology is highly influenced by modern psychology, and Western astrologers often use charts for psychoanalysis. In fact, for many people exposed only to Western astrology, astrology is equivalent to psychology. On the other hand, Vedic astrology is not limited by modern psychology at all; in fact, Vedic astrology doesn’t conform to modern psychological assumptions.

Additionally, there are many things besides psychology that make a person and govern his responses. Thus, Vedic astrology focuses on many things besides psychology. Despite the unsystematic nature of Vedic astrology, a good Vedic astrologer often comes up with relevant practical insights concerned with a person’s problem, provides accurate readings of past events, and also provides predictive future insights.

Additionally, the numerous techniques and tools available in Vedic astrology are unique to it and simply not available in Western astrology. This can be easily verified by interested people. For example, Vedic astrology exclusively makes use of sixteen different divisional charts (charts concerned with specific field of life). Likewise, Vedic astrologers frequently use many kinds of daśā (planetary periods). None of these are available in Western astrology. These tools enable a proficient Vedic astrologer to give a unique reading.

Likewise, most Vedic astrologers rely upon their intuition and some form of spiritual practice, which gives them the capacity to deliver good readings. This is proven by the fact that when one sits in person for a Vedic astrology session, Vedic astrologers provide tons of information within a few minutes.

Which zodiac do we use?

In astrology, there are two major zodiacs- sidereal zodiac and the tropical zodiac. Most Vedic astrologers use sidereal zodiac, specifically Lahiri Āyanāṃśa. Most Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac. At Samyak Astrology Services, we use tropical zodiac with sidereal nakṣatras. In this regard, we adhere to the system propounded by ground-breaking Vedic astrologer Master Ernst Wilhelm. Ernst’s students including the famous Kriya yogī Ryan Kurczak also follow this system. In our experiment and experience, we have found that this version of zodiac gives much more accurate results. Hence, not only are we convinced by the theoretical reasons behind why this system is correct but we also have experiential confidence in this system. Since this is a much complicated technical topic, we have not engaged in further discussion here. But please refer to the following links to satisfy your curiosity:



Is astrology a fatalistic science?

This is like asking, “Is karma fatalistic?” And the clear answer is a resounding “No!” We create our karmas and the results we experience-good or bad, is a result of our karma. We also have the potential to change our karma. Therefore, neither is the science of karma at least the way we understand it is fatalistic. Nor is astrology. Does this mean we can change all our karma within a short period? No! We have accumulated certain karmas that have strong potential to manifest in the form of events or habits. This can be seen in the birth chart if many indications point out to the same habit or events. Such karmas are difficult to change. Especially if karma has already started to ripen, it is difficult to be affected through our agency. But this does not make astrology a fatalistic science. It simply points out to our limitations as sentient beings trapped in saṃsāra because of a myriad of negative emotions and conceptual proliferations. At the same time, it also points out our potential to be enlightened and free from bondages of karma and negative afflictions.

What are the specific principles that you believe in that influence the reading and advises?

There are differences in subtle principles that different Vedic astrologers believe in that affect the astrological reading and remedies provided. Although these differences may be too subtle to notice, we still would like to answer this question. Some of the specific principles that we at Samyak Astrology believe in are as follows:

  1. Planets or grahas are sentient beings. They reflect certain aspects of our mind and our karma, but they are living beings whom we can interact through rituals, meditation, and mantra. It is essential to distinguish sentient beings between mundane or worldly (laukika) and supra-mundane (lokottara) or enlightened. Grahas fall into the mundane category. Specifically, they are mundane (worldly) gods, who are as conventionally real as you, your family member or your best friend.
  2. Karma is individual. Every individual accumulates karma through the actions of body, speech, and mind. One continues to accumulate karma until one directly perceives the non-conceptual wisdom of selflessness. The primary factor that determines whether a karma is positive or negative is the intention. An action that outwardly looks positive but is motivated by negative emotions is a negative karma and brings about painful experiences as a ripened result.
  3. Often people involved in astrology believe in rebirth but falsely believe that they have always been humans in the past and will be humans in future. But we at Samyak Astrology Services believe that there primarily are six realms in saṃsāra- hell realm (naraka), hungry ghost realm (preta), animal realm (paśu), human realm, jealous god realm (asura), and god realm (deva). A sentient being born can be born in any of these realms based on their karma. Of all these realms, the human realm is the most difficult to be born into. In other words, it is most difficult to be born as a human being.
  4. We live in a world of many non-human beings that are not visible to our ordinary senses. In the past, across the globe, people would report encounters with different beings such as angels, gods, ghosts, nāgas, etc. Their relevance may have decreased now because of the emergence of human beings as dominating creatures on the planet. But in our readings, we have found that they still play important roles in our lives and affect us in ways that we are not aware of. Ancestors or dead members of the family who are still suffering may be affecting our lives. Likewise, nāgas may have been unhappy with our activities. Our objective at Samyak Astrology Services is to restore harmony with non-human beings who may be interacting with us.

What kind of remedies do you offer?

In addition to offering remedies that directly relate to changing your habit patterns, we give very practical remedies that are based on subtle laws of interdependent origination. These are difficult to make sense of, but they work. Some of them are cheap and often cost nothing. For example, you may be recommended to avoid black color clothes, gift white clothing to your father or father figures, feed black dogs, and so on.

We recommend rituals for 80-90% cases. As you know, we consult from Nepal, and Kathmandu is known as the city of gods and goddesses. This place is a very ancient power spot with thousands of holy places. We have a network of reliable ritualists and priests who can perform powerful remedies on your behalf. They can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000. These are optional remedies but will be recommended if need be.

When these are recommended, we ask not to be worried by the cost. Most of the cost is the material cost which we have no way to change, but there are scales for arrangement fee. If you don’t have the capacity to do them at the time, then we recommend saving up for some time to do them.

Perhaps in future, we can come up with alternatives that are extremely cheap yet very effective. But I doubt that will happen. Often times, we are willing to spend a lot of money on hospitals, education , legal disputes, traveling, etc. but have little money for spiritual things. If we want change, it comes with cost. Sometimes the cost is literally the cost of money.

Please note that none of these rituals involve animal sacrifice or any violence upon other beings.