

Basundharā/Basundhārā/Vasundharā/Vasundhārā is the Buddha related to wealth and prosperity. This is an extremely old temple in the Kathmandu Valley and mostly local Buddhists visit this temple.

According to oral Newari Buddhist tradition, the deity Basundhāra appeared in the Valley after Vipaśvī Tathāgata had visited Nepal. It is from her feet that the holy river Sundarijal is supposed to have come to existence. People generally worship her as a wealth deity, but in the text it is mentioned that she is Earth goddess. Thus, she can also be worshipped to develop relationship with nature and accomplish pacification of innumerable environmental problems and natural disharmony that we face today because of capitalistic greed. The special day to practice and/or worship Basundhārā is the 3rd lunar day, specifically 3rd lunar day of the waning moon in the month of Àsvin.

Generally, Basundhārā is a very peaceful goddess. Rituals done here are generally support accumulation of wealth but also to develop positive energy related to Jupiter and the Moon (which rules family members).

In the Vasudhārā dhāraṇī, the Buddha Śakyamuni extols the qualities of recitation of Vasudhārā dhāraṇī to a householder named Sucandra who had come to the Buddha for help with eradication of poverty. The Buddha describes that he himself had received instruction on practice of Vasudhārā from the Buddha Sāgara-nirghoṣa.

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