

Ādinātha Lokesvara is an ancient Lokesvara temple located in Chobhar. Lokesvara (Chenrezig) is the Bodhisattva of compassion whose mantra is the famous Om maṇi padme hūṃ (Tibetan: Om mani peme hum).

There are four major Lokesvara temples in the Kathmand Valley. Ādinath is one of them where people are said to have purified extremely serious negative karma.

Tibetans who visit the place recount story of a nun named Gelongma who suffered from leprosy and who was healed when she devotedly worshipped Lokesvara and followed his instructions that involved fasting and prayers.

All in all, compassion is the basis for manifestation for all kinds of good wishes in our lives. We at Samyak Astrology Services perform rituals in Ādinātha to help with ancestral karma. First of all, this kind of ritual neutralizes negative energy coming from ancestors. When people are stuck as spirits after their death, they may hurt us unintentionally even though they have love for us. Thus, it is important to purify this kind of negative karma.

Secondly, the ritual purifies non-virtues accumulated by one’s ancestors. Some of our ancestors may have been involved in wrong livelihood such as raising animal and killing them for living. This is an extremely non-virtuous karma. Since we have also benefited indirectly from their earning, we have to purify this karma. The degree of purification depends on the degree of benefit we receive from this. For example, some people may have inherited millions of dollars from the legacy left by ancestors from their non-virtuous actions. This would be more serious and requires more purification.

Thirdly, depending on how stuck the ancestors are as spirits, the ritual can help liberate them and transition into better rebirth. At the least, the ritual can help create causes for their liberation and help them have more virtuous thoughts.

Om Maṇi Padme Hūṃ!!!

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