

Sagittarius represents a space where philosophers, thinkers and idealists come together. It’s a space ripe with possibility of conviction and a commitment to surrender to that conviction at the cost of one’s life, at the cost of everything else one values.

It is the one-pointed dhanus (bow) of Arjuna that won’t miss the target. It is an energy field which will transform anyone that stays there long enough into a being filled with purpose and a sense of destiny. There is meaning to every little encounter here and a positive twist to the most horrific experiences.

Everyone who comes to your way is a part of the plan here, and your work is to contribute to the grand finale, to enter into the Shambala, the kingdom of Heaven, the proletariat utopia, the land of your dreams.

If you find yourself here, keep your fit firm and learn from the many guides that you meet. Do not get lost in trivialities. Do not rest or surrender completely until you test and taste against your natural sense of freedom!

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