Why did the Queen split the rock?


Until a couple hundred years back, the word ‘Nepal’ referred to a few small cities of the Kathmandu Valley. Outside this space, there were a few dozen small countries with their own local rulers.

This video shows a sacred stone in a cliff in a village called Bamgha of Gulmi, a district in Western Nepal.

It is believed that a war broke out between Bamgha and the neighboring country of Varsay. The King of Bamgha went along with his soldiers to engage in battle against the military of Varsay. This made the Queen of Bamgha very worried.

The Queen then prayed to and started doing sadhana of the local Bamgha goddess who is believed to have come to the Queen’s vision and instructed her that if the Queen is able to split the big rock under consideration, her King would return back victorious. And if she was unable to, the King would die in teh battle.

The Queen then did further intensive practice of the local goddess and later picked a royal sword and went to attempt splitting the stone. It is said she gained very tremendous as a result of the sadhana. Then she forcefully struck the sword on the rock splitting into two. Sure enough, the King of Bamgha won the battle…

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