Lunar Days


Lunar days are based on the movement of the Moon and are very important in Jyotish. One of the simple ways in which you can make use of lunar days is to perform specific activities related to each day.

For example, on the eighth, do peaceful Yoga and meditation focused on enhancing your health and well being. Or spend time with your gentle sisters who nurture you.

On the fourteenth, spend time with your brothers (or sisters) who are ferociously protective of you. If you own guard dogs, spend more time with them or feed them their special food.

On the fifth, study diligently!!! Prepare for your exams on this day!

On the waxing tenth, invite close circle to your house. You can also meet important people if other astrological conditions are also favorable.

On the ninth, stand up against your enemies, competitors and opponents.

These kinds of general guidelines are based on a complex system of calculating auspicious date and time for each and every activity. It is called Muhurta. If you want to find out the precise time in which you can start your next business, or schedule an important appointment, or go on the first date with the special person, you can opt for the Muhurta reading available at Samyak Astrology Services!

Meanwhile, keep track of the lunar dates yourselves via this link and journal down your experiences to slowly develop an intuitive understanding of each lunar day.

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