Why there are better things to do with astrology than just psychology?


Most of the available pop astrology literature and discussions center on figuring someone’s psychology and personality. But there are better things to do with astrology than focusing exclusively and obsessively on these topics.

Astrology, as we have explained earlier, is concerned with the study of our karma. In this regard, the birth chart specifically has a lot to say about our karma besides our personality and psychology. A proper astrological study can reveal the general picture and details of topics listed below. The kind of questions that we answer for each of these topics are also written.


                -What are the potential health problems I may face?

                -Which of these problems have high possibility of manifesting?

                -What astrological remedies can be applied to counter the illness?

                -Are there spirits (ghosts, nagas, etc.) involved in causing the illness?

                -Which remedies are suitable for me- allopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, massages, et. al?


                -How is the compatibility between me and X?

                -Is there a chance that this relationship will work out?

                -What aspects of the relationship should I focus on improving?

                -Should I be engaging in financial transaction with a specific family member?


                -Which career path is appropriate for me?

                -What are the skills that I have?

                -Should I engage in getting a degree or rather seek employment/business?

                -Which of the skills that I have will yield prosperous career?

-Investment opportunities

                -Should I invest in long term property (Fixed assets) or short run properties?

                -When should I invest?

                -What should I not invest in?


                -Are any of my dead ancestors unhappy with me or my family?

                -How can I help my dead ancestors who is struggling?

                -Is my family deity happy with me or my family? What can I do to please him/her?

Above are only a few examples of topics and questions that can be studied and answered via astrology. All of these aspects are important for our well-being. An improvement in any of these external fields translates into healthy sense of self. Thus, to focus only on psychology and personality is a very narrow approach to studying astrology. The future post shall explore this topic further.

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