Why you are not your Sun Sign? II


This is yet another article that aims to dispel the myth of the centrality of the Sun sign. I covered the primary points before on why you are not your Sun sign. But I want to address a few possible counter-points.

Sure enough, some of you must be thinking in defense that the Sun sign does describe the dominant characteristics of either yourself or people you know. But several other reasons may account for this. I have a friend, for example, who is typically “Libran”- elegant, attractive, agreeable to everyone, very social, non-confrontational, and so on. He does have his Sun in Libra. But the more important and weightier astrological reasons why he has these characteristics are that his Ascendant (lagna) is Libra and the ascendant lord Venus himself is in Libra. Therefore, someone who doesn’t understand these can wrongly attribute the presence of Libran characteristics to the Sun.

Likewise, another reason could be that there are several grahas (planets) in the same sign. Or that the Atmkaraka is in that sign in Navamsha. Or that Ketu is in the concerned sign along with the owner of the sign. At Samyak Astrology, we observe all of these combinations.

I understand that some of you may still feel that the Sun sign matters the most because you happen to know one of these friends who can tell anyone’s Sun sign precisely. You have been amazed by their uncanny ability. But I’d like to present two possibilities here. First is that, as explained earlier, other factors may be emphasizing one of the signs and co-incidentally the Sun happens to be on the same sign. Your intuitive friend, thus, could notice this dominant sign but wrongly attributed it only to Sun. 

The second possibility is that your intuitive friend can indeed predict the Sun sign of any person even when they don’t have other factors that emphasize the concerned sign. In this case, it is likely that your intuitive friend has unfortunately become used to reducing people to one category and not noticing other traits. By training herself consistently to focus on specific energy and associations, she has become blind to appreciating the multiple dimensions of a human personality. This is an unconstructive intuition that needs to be undone.  

Now that you feel more confident and are equipped with reasons to embrace that you are not your Sun sign, the next post shall discuss why there are better things to do with Astrology than exclusively studying psychology or character of a person.